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REPRAP WALLACE (no replies)

Boa tarde a todos do forum

Estou precisando de comprar as peças platicas da reprap wallace .
alguem pode me indicar alguem que impreme peças em 3D

Se alguem puder faze esse serviço entre em contato pelo forum ou e-mail .


tenho o arquivo em stl para a impressão.

Firmware extruder delay setting? (no replies)

Do any of the common firmwares have compensation for extruder delay? I know this is an issue with Bowden-type extruders, but I also see the effects with my direct-drive extruder when printing fine, sharp details like small gear teeth. I see a slight over-extrusion as the motion decelerates at corners and slight under-extrusion as it speeds back up again. I'd like to have the extruder motion profile to be shifted forward in time by some number of milliseconds relative to the XY motion profile. Does this sort of compensation exist, either in firmwares or slicers?

Heat Bed ALWAYS on, I can't be the first (5 replies)

I'm having an issue with my heater bed constantly heating. Replaced thermistor just cause I had one on hand and still as soon as printer is powered up heat bed is on and wont shut down. I've thoroughly checked for loose, broken or frayed wires and suspect the ramps board itself, not knowing much about how the polyfuses work. I assume theyre normally closed and open on over amperage? Any input appreciated, thanks. Ramps 1.3/Arduino with kapton heat bed. 24v

Support Settings Extruder Replacement (2 replies)


i want to print the Spring-loaded Extruder PTFE.

In the description the builder wrote to activate support.

But The small holes has an 90 Degrees overhang so all holes are with support.

So does someone has experience to print this thing?


Thanks a lot

Estrusore remoto, Un esempio in vendita (2 replies)

New Prosumer Printer (3 replies)

Hi All,

I am a mechanical engineer looking to buy a new 3D printer. I am not sure this is the right place to ask these questions. I am not doing RepRap. I want something which will work out of the box and be up gradable.

My application is simple design validation b4 paying the big bucks to have something professionally printed, machined, or cast. I don't intend to make a business from 3D printing.

My time-frame is within 3 months of having a functional and tuned machine. I can put in about 40 hrs in this time.

Machine Specifications:
+/-.005 tolerance
decent industry standard finish
low cost materials (want to stay away from stratsys)
machinable material (the option to do clear and colored light pipes and soft gaskets would be nice but not a requirement)
8x8x8 print area
Open source electronics and software (I don't really need open hardware. I can easily re-engineer and build this.)
Price range up to $3k USD

I have a lot of existing machinery. My business is based on design and building 1 offs/1st prototype. I have designed and built a lot of machinery/mechanisms. I have outsourced a lot of 3D printed parts (mostly strasys). Mechanically, I will not need much support. I will need support on electronics and software. I am, however, not a newbie.

The printers I am now targeting are the Felix 3, Bukobot 8, and the Lulzbot TAZ. In that order. I am open to other suggestions. I do want something which will be running parts within 10-20 hours. Tweaking can take longer. I cannot wait 3 months for delivery of the machine.

I would be open to suggestions from experienced 3D printers.

Pursa i3 mit 3dimensionshop.com (no replies)

Hallo Leute

Ich bin gerade dabei mir einen Pursa i3 zubauen und habe mir dafür das recht Billige 3dimensionshop.com Hotend gekauft.
Leider finde ich keine stl Files dazu, muss ich die wirklich selbst zeichnen? Passt das in den Greg's Hinged Extruder?

Und meine zweite frage, ich würde gern die Aufhängung für denn Druckkopf so leicht wie möglich gestalten.
Gibt es "externe" Extruder (wie beim Ultimaker)?? Vielleicht sogar als dual?

mfg prikle

Iron3D 12x12x14 / solidoodle 3 or 4 / or something else? (5 replies)

I'm looking to buy a 3d printer.

After looking around some forums including this one it seems the community is pretty helpful. I wanted to get some opinions.

I am buying the 3d printer to use as a tool to help prototype car parts. I would like to have the biggest possible print-build area / volume possible.

My budget is up to $1000

I understand I can print a part in pieces and glue it together, that will probably be done. I just don't want to print pieces in 4" dimensions and piece them together 4 times if I could just print it once if it was 10 inches total length for example.

I don't mind building my own 3d printer, but I don't want it to take up my entire 3d printing career. I see people spend A LOT of time building the printer, and then constantly printing more pieces to fix / upgrade the printer. That is a little too much for me. I really would like to build it, print a few things and changes for the printer itself if needed... but I am not into making it a full time job to design and prototype parts fixing the printer itself. lol.

I found this kit, which I assume its going to take a whole lot of "tinkering" to get it to work, but if I cold get it to work would really love the advantage of being able to print larger parts. Plus it seems modular ... maybe I'm wrong about that.


I like that is has a 12 x 12 x 14 print volume. The pictures look good and the chassis looks nice... but what will it take to make this a functional printer ? Is it worth my time ? Most of all I would love some input from others who have used these kits themselves.. first hand.

Another printer I am looking at is the Solidoodle 3 / 4 generation printers.

I like these printers because they look simple and I believe they have a good print volume also, up to 8x8x8 which would be ideal for me, I really don't want to go too much smaller than that if I don't have too.

Some people say they are great and some people hate them. I don't know what to go by.

Printers like ultimaker 2 are completely out of my budget, I know thats a highly liked printer on these forums but right now its not practical for me.

Are there other kits I am not aware of that can be built for under a grand with a good print volume over 8x8x8 ?

Also, I wonder about materials... can I print with nylon on a printer made for abs / pla or does it not work like that ? My buddy has a knock off printer from ebay and he prints nylon without a problem and the results are amazing, infact the prints look better and less rigid than most of the pictures I see online / youtube.

Problem with multiple extruders and support (no replies)

Having an issue using extruder 1 for perimeter, infill, and both supports. If I have all of these set to extruder 1 "T0" is no appended to the end of the lines that have to do with heating the extruder, without that code my printer decides to heat and use extruder 2 instead for some reason. What needs to happen to get that code in the proper places?

If I set extruder 2 for all four settings it does append "T1" to the proper lines of code.

Twisting wires not always needed? (1 reply)

I am looking at build guides for RAMPS based systems, pictures of RAMPS systems and pre-made wiring kits for RAMPS systems. The guides I have found so far and the pictures I have seen do not seems to call for/show twisting the stepper motor wires in pairs as the Mendel90 build manual has.

If twisting the wires is necessary how are they getting away without doing so?

And even stepper motors with connectors already attached don't have twisted wires: Stepper Wires not Twisted

Infill gaps and Parts to fit (1 reply)

Hello there, I have a issue calibrating the extrusion multiplier in slic3r. If its too high ~1 my parts don't fit together - i need around 0.6mm tolerance. But i've seen people on thingiverse getting flush parts to fit, and this is very annoying when downloading as a lot of them don't work of them because of this. On the other hand around 0.85 my solid infill has gaps between the single extrusions. I've been having this issue for ages. Any ideas what could be causing this/how to fix it? Thanks in advance

Feature request: reduce print speed for overhangs (no replies)

I have found that when printing an overhang with sharp corners I have allot of problem with the corners curling up. This often causes skipped steps and a ruined print. I have just found that enabling the autocool option and slowing the print speed down completely removes any overhang curl and I get perfect prints. Im pretty sure this improvement is seen because the print speed of the overhang perimeter is reduced, and not the increase in layer time. As I still get the problem when printing multiply copies of the same model with auto cooling disabled, meaning the layer time is high but print speed is also high.

Could an extra input be added to the speed window to give direct control of overhang perimeter speed?

Optimalere Instellingen. (no replies)

Als je wilt dat je ICT infrastructuur er voor jou en je bedrijf is zal je alles precies zo moeten instellen dat het ideaal is voor de toepassingen die je gebruikt, maar ook de verschillende hardware moet altijd goed op elkaar zijn afgestemd en de instellingen moeten kloppen wil je de optimale prestaties uit je ICT omgeving kunnen halen. Dit “Fine tunen” van de omgeving kan heel veel tijd kosten en hiervoor is vaak veel expertise voor nodig. Clouddiensten in Nederland kunnen je hier bij helpen omdat als je (deels) je ICT infrastructuur in de Cloud laat zetten weet je dat alles precies zo is afgestemd zoals het ’t meest optimaal is, buiten de centrale opslag voor data en het gecentraliseerd beheer en support is dit weer een ander groot voor deel van de Cloud oplossing.
Het afstemmen van de verschillende soorten hardware kan een tijdrovende klus zijn, je moet op de eerste plaats al zien te weten te komen of de hardware die je wil aanschaffen wel compatible is, en dan laten we nog even buiten beschouwing of de hardware überhaupt wel de juiste aansluitingen heeft zoals bij harde schijven of geheugen modules, iedereen die zijn server wel eens heeft uitgebreid met één van beide weet dat er zoveel verschillende soorten en maten zijn dat je soms best wel een middagje kwijt kan zijn met uit te zoeken wat voor soort geheugen er past bij je moederbord, welke hoeveelheden wel en welke hoeveelheden niet bij elkaar passen. Moet het een Dimm een Simm of een Xximm zijn. Soms reist ook nog de vraag of deze uberhaupt nog wel in de verkoop zijn. En de vraag die dan nog overblijft moet ik een merk chip hebben of kan er ook een goedkopere in. Nu kan al deze vragen beantwoorden wel eens een paar dagen duren evenals de levertijd en de tijd die nodig is om de chips in te bouwen. Het inbouwen van de chips kan ook nog eens de productie machine verstoren wat ook weer tijd en geld kan kosten. En tot slot moet er nog getest worden.

Als je kiest voor Cloud oplossingen zoals IAAS of Virtual Private Servers (of in mindere mate voor Opslag In De Cloud Of Cloud Desktops) heb je deze problemen niet (of in ieder geval veel minder). De hardware is virtueel en is precies op elkaar ingewerkt zoals de producent het bedoelt heeft. Extra geheugen of schijf ruimte is een kwestie van één telefoontje of één e-mailtje. De werkzaamheden zullen dan vaak binnen 1-8 uur gedaan kunnen zijn afhankelijk van het contract. Het testen blijft dan misschien wel hetzelfde maar de hoofdpijn is stukken minder en de nieuwe hardware uitbreiding sluit naadloos aan op jouw behoeftes. Ook met schijf uitbreidingen zullen een heleboel beperkingen die misschien wel gelden bij een serverpark in eigen beheer zullen met deze nieuwe Cloud techniek niet meer gelden.

De expertise aan het werk bij Datacenters, doordat de experts daar al vele malen dezelfde opstelling of uitbreidingen hebben gedaan, geeft ook een grote voorsprong in de techniek. Veelal hebben de datacenters ook een veiligheidsexpert in dienst die ten allertijden weet wat de veiligste manier is om voor jou de juiste Clouddiensten aan te bieden, de opstelling is veilig evenals de veilige https verbinding naar jouw omgeving in het Datacenter. Jouw Cloud data beveiliging is staat hoog zoniet aan de top van de prioriteitenlijst van de Cloud aanbieder en zullen het praktisch onmogelijk maken voor derden om jouw gegevens in te zien.

Vrai débutant : par où commencer ? (1 reply)


Je suis tombé sur les impressions 3D et sur ce site un peu par hasard, et j'aimerais m'y intéresser un peu.

Cette question a du être posée pas mal de fois, mais je ne trouve aucune doc qui explique comment commencer (je suis noyé dans les posts et les infos):
- la machine : comme s'en construire une pas trop chère ; un kit = pourquoi pas, mais une "home made" serait encore mieux ... et j'aime bien cette idée de "réplication" / ça fait très "communautaire"
- les softs / drivers / etc. .... que faut-il ?
- les fils : quelles matières sont utilisées et utilisables ?

Existe t'il des tutos sur la façon de concevoir les pièces ? l'approche est-elle particulière ?

Il existe en opensource des softs pour créer des fichiers CAO (freecad, salomé, etc. ...) donc on peut générer des fichiers step, iges, stl sans pb.

Perso je préfère le step.

Je vais aussi regarder s'il existe un club près de chez moi : il existe un site que les références ?

je suis impressionné par ce que je vois; à moi de voir si je peux faire des choses sympa (j'ai des idées)

Merci par avance


Thoughts on the Tricolor Mendel and other multi-material printers? (no replies)

I'm really interested in getting into multi-material printing, but there's very limited documentation on the subject since it is (largely) experimental as of yet. I haven't heard of anyone owning, much less printing successfully with a Tricolor Mendel. The other common types, Replicator 2x, ORD MH3000 and custom units still seem sketchy. Especially the botObjects printer. Would anyone share their results? Concerns? Recommendations for an approach for multi-material printing?


Endstop sur PRUSA I3 (no replies)

J'ai besoin d'aide pour mes Fin De Course (endstop).
Seul celui de l'axe Z fonctionne.

J'ai le logiciel Repetier ainsi que son firmware.
Pour tester les Fins de course, je tape la commande m119 dans le G-code du controle manuel de repetier, et là le logiciels récupére bien les informations de la position des fins de courses (X-min H ou L)
J'ai reseté la carte RAMPS et toujours pareil, les Fin de course X et Y n'arretent pas les moteurs.
J'ai testé les différentes configuration dans le firmware de repetier et téléversé. Idem
Je ne vois pas d'où peut provenir le problème
comment aller plus loin sur les tests des endstop ...
Merci à vous

Sanguinololu Problems (no replies)

Prusa i2 w/Sanguinololu 1.3a and 12v 30A PSU(not ATX)
Using Sprinter firmware
So I've done all the calibrations and everything works great... except the heatbed. I've been trying for about a week now to get the bed working but after looking around it seems that the Sanguinololu has serious problems delivering the amount of current necessary to power the heatbed (various reports of connectors melting and traces burning). At this point I'm ready to give up on the heatbed and go without it.

I've tried disconnecting the bed and thermistor and setting the expected temp to 0 so the bed is always ready, but that didn't work. Sprinter appears to require bed to heat before hotend so I am unable to print until bed problem is fixed.
Does anyone know how to disable the heatbed or alternatively fix the short comings of the Sanguinololu?

X Achse nur mehr in eine Richtung !! egal ob + od. - (no replies)

hallo wie die Überschrift schon erahnen lässt habe ich Probleme mit der X-ACHSE:

habe heute den calibration cube ausgedruckt und plötzlich mitten im Druck bewegte sch der Extruder auf der X Achse nur mehr in plus / rechte Richtung.
Wie der Würfel aussieht könnt ihr euch ja denken. Der extruder wanderte bei jedem Layer 20mm nach rechts bis er nach ca 3 layern am rechten Ende anstand und der Riemen durchdrehte.
Habe dann den Druck abgebrochen und die manuelle Steuerung versucht.
Jedoch ohne Erfolg.

Egal ob ich im repetier Host + oder - der X Achse betätige er fährt immer nach rechts !!!

Wenn ich die Home position anwähle ( die früher links war) fährt er so lange nach rechts bis er ansteht und dann rattert er über den zahnriehmen.....

Habe : Motoren umgesteckt, Regler getauscht, Endstop get, Merlin neu drauf, repetier Host neu installiert..... Verkabelung geprüft usw.... Ohne Erfolg !!!
Es bezieht sich immer auf die X Achse

habe Mendelmax 2.5 mit Arduino und Ramps, Merlin und Repetier Host

Weiß nicht mehr weiter :( bitte um Hilfe !!!

TRAUMJOB bei einem 3D-Drucker Unternehmen in Hannover! (no replies)

Get nerdy with us!

iGo3D GmbH ist ein führendes, junges Unternehmen, dass sich auf die exklusive Distribution von 3D-Druckern, Scannern und Zubehör für den privaten Anwender fokussiert. "3D-Druck für jedermann" ist unser Grundsatz!
Der neue Sitz der Gesellschaft ist Hannover. Von diesem Standort (ehemaliges Siemens Gebäude, 30519) aus werden Produktsortiment, internationale Distributionskanäle, eigene Läden sowie technischer Support stetig ausgeweitet.

Ab SOFORT suchen wir:

= 1x Servicetechniker(in) - Vollzeit

= 1x Lagerist(in) - Teilzeit

= 2x Sales Manager(in) - Vollzeit

= 1X Buchhalter(in) - Teilzeit/Vollzeit

Bewirb Dich jetzt bei iGo3D.com!

"i.Go.3D - let's go together!"

Slicer Einstellungen löschen (no replies)


Hab mal wieder ein Problem mit dem tollen Slicer 1.00rc3

Ich hab den Repetier Host auf meinem Netbook aktualisiert und schon hatte ich wieder die 1.00rc3 Version drauf, die mir nicht die Support Strukturen erstellt, die ich gerne hätte.. Jetzt wollte ich auf eine ältere Slicer Version downgraden, was aber nicht so ganz geklappt hat. Problem ist nun, dass der Slicer (jetzt die 0.,94) ewig zum laden braucht und auch irgendwelche Library Fehler macht, da ja die Presets vom 1.00rc3 übernommen werden-

Jetzt mal meine Frage. wo bitte kann ich die kompletten Slicer Einstellungen löschen? also alle meine vorher erstellten Presets? anscheinend ist es nicht mit dem deinstallieren vom repetier host und Slicer getan, denn irgendwo holt der sich immer wieder meine alten Presets her

Ich möchte gerne alles was mit Slicer und Repetier host zu tun hat von meinem Rechner runter haben damit ich frisch ansetzen kann und das mal zum funktionieren bringen kann.

Ich bin echt über jeden Tipp dankbar.

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